Jumat, 29 September 2017

Don't Too Fast To Judge

Every people has different opinion. Yeah, it’s normal babe. But, some people too fast to judge without having “normal” thought. Yes, I call it a “normal thought”. It means that, they just see from one side and don’t know what the fact. It easy to judge others and talking bad thing behind them without knowing what happen with them, right?
We have a different problem. And never know what happen in our life in the next. Now, we have everything that we want. But, always prepare for the thing that will happen tomorrow. Life is unpredictable, so you must ready for something that will surprise you”, yes. Call it surprise.
Many people think that they’re perfect and easy to blame others. In this case, I don’t know how they did that. Why they always judge too fast? Hm.....it’s okay. This is life. You will meet someone who always find your weakness. So, be careful.
People actually don’t want to know about your problem. They just want to know but not really care aka “kepo”. Then, they have their opinion to share others about you. And it’s not true. Yes, as simple as that.
But, don’t worry babe. They may judge you whatever they want. You just need to don’t care about them. Life is complicated, you will always meet someone like that. There will be someone who don’t like about everything you do. It’s okay babe, don’t worry.
Don’t too fast to judge before knowing the truth. Judging so fast is easy and become one of someone’s weakness. You may close with some people, but it doesn’t mean that you know anything about them. So, think smart dan don’t too fast to judge.

#DontTooFastToJudge #ByMissAnt

Kamis, 28 September 2017

Kopi, Hujan dan Berbicara Masa Depan

Rasanya baru kemarin musim kemarau, eh...udah hujan deres aja nih. Berarti bisa disimpulkan berapa lama kamu sendiri. #Eh. Tenang....tenang....nggak akan dibully kok. Jangan khawatir. Kenapa ya, beberapa kaum jomblo sangat sensitif. Apalagi kalau jalan ditengah orang-orang lagi gandengan, bawaannya emosi muluk. *Lah....
Ngomongin soal hujan, apalagi kalau lagi duduk sendiri dan menikmati secangkir kopi, pastinya banyak hal yang mendadak muncul. Salah satunya tentang masa depan. Membicarakan masa depan emang asyik banget. Apalagi sama calon teman hidup. How.....interesting.
Kira-kira? Siapa yang bakal kamu ajak ngobrol soal ini? Adakah seseorang yang telintas? Siapa hayo? *kepo. Nggak papa sih, Wajar kok. Nantinya kita akan dipertemukan dengan  teman hidup yang bakal kita ajak ngobrol buat ngomongin masa depan. Bagi kaum jomblo, jangan manyun gitu ah. Sekarang mungkin belum ketemu sama orang yang akan kamu ajak ngobrol. Jadi sabar aja ya. *PukPukDiriSendiri #Loh
Kopi memang menjadi teman paling pas saat hujan turun dengan lebatnya. Aromanya mampu membuat kita membayangkan hal-hal yang membahagiakan. Coba bayangkan, kamu sedang duduk manis sambil menyeruput kopi, dan diluar hujan. Dan yang kamu rasakan saat itu adalah perpaduan aroma kopi dan hujan, tak ada yang lain.
Sambil menatap keluar jendela dan memandangi rintikan hujan, ia muncul sambil melambaikan tanganya. Aku yang duduk tak sadar hanya diam. Seolah terhipnotis dengan aroma kopi yang merasuki jiwa. Hingga akhirnya kamu duduk disampingku. Sambil membawa secangkir kopi dengan aroma yang sama. How...perfect moment.
Kita mungkin tak sadar duduk di meja yang sama dan menikmati secangkir kopi dengan aroma yang seakan mendekatkan kita untuk membicarakan masa depan. How come? Dari secangkir kopi, kita bisa lebih dekat sambil membicarakan apa yang akan kita jalani di masa depan. Dan, rintikan hujan seolah mengiringi pembicaraan kita yang semakin asyik.
Bagaimana secangkir kopi bisa membuat kita lebih mudah untuk membicarakan masa depan. Semudah itulah? Yap. Bagi yang sudah mantap menjalin hubungan yang lebih serius, ini sangatlah mungkin. Berbicara tentang masa depan dengan orang terkasih sangatlah asyik. Nggak percaya? Coba aja mblo. *KemudianDitimpukParaJomblo

#CurColAlaMissAnt #TentangTemanHidup

Strange People In Your Life

Life is complicated. Some people think that there are many strange people around you. I feel that moment when someone you know is changing to be others. I don’t know the reason, why some people change so fast. Yeah....that’s life babe. You can be the one who care for others, but they never think like you do. Just be you and never be someone else.
You will find the people with a lot of mask. When you think that person is good, unfortunately you’re wrong. Because they just wearing their mask. So, be careful with the people around. They will leave you if they don’t get anything from you. Some people will not care about you until you have “anything”. I think, you must have a lot of money to makes someone love you. LOL
How can you leave person who care about you, Always be your side, Can be understood about your situation. Why? Even, some people more choose new people to be friend than “old friend”.  Actually, what are they looking for? It’s okay that someone wants to have a lot of friend. But, remember that all not your friend is really care about you. B’coz life is about choosing someone who really cares about you.
Maybe, you never think what happen in your life. You may think that people always good for you, never betray you, Always by your side. But, it’s not true. Life isn’t as simple as that babe. You will find something “unpredictable thing” that will change you to be strong person. But, don’t worry. It’s normal in someone’s life.
You may feel sick of that people, but life must go on. You just need to make your life better. Don’t hate the people who don’t care about you. Life is full of strange people. Now you know better about them, but tomorrow will different. Don’t trus anyone. You can make a friend with everyone. But DON’T TRUST ANYONE. Remember this. Not now. But, someday you will know.
Actually, I just weak person who can’t don’t care about someone’s else. I don’t want to have some problem with them. I need them. As a human, we need each others, right? But, the reality is not good. Sometimes we meet someone who very annoying. They try to bring you down. Yeah....I hate this one. This part if annoying life but......you must go a head and smile.
You never know what it’s like until you feel it. I can speak like this, no.....not speak but write this because I felt it. And it makes me stronger than before. For that experienced, its really change everything. Change the way you think of others. You will feel it until it happen to you. So...I can’t describe more about it. Just wait, and let it happen naturally. If you’re lucky, you will feel it and change you to be strongest person.

#MissAntTalkingAboutLife #Life #That’sLife

Selasa, 26 September 2017

Join Grup Whatsapp SMA. Penting Nggak Sih?

Secara tiba-tiba ada yang masukin nomer ke grup whatsapp temen-temen SMA. Seneng? Nggak terlalu sih, soalnya udah sering banget keluar masuk grup SMA. Dulu pernah di invite lewat BBM. Tapi berhubung pembahasannya nggak mutu, akhirnya keluar. Bukannya nggak mau menjalin silaturahmi. Tapi kalau grup isinya nggak mutu, Aku mending keluar. Terserah mau dianggap sombong atau gimana-gimana.
Kadang orang nggak bisa membedakan, mana kata-kata yang wajar buat diobrolin di grup sama pribadi. Kalau bisa diomongin pribadi, kenapa harus di grup. Udah gitu bahasannya tentang orang lain yang bahkan personilnya nggak tau. Memang sengaja bahas yang menyimpang biar ramai atau gimana sih? Aneh. Kalau udah gitu, Aku nya jadi males. Yang ada, henpon jadi tung ting tung ting bunyi percakapan orang-orang nggak jelas. Maap ya, bukannya nggak mau menjalin komunikasi. Tapi Aku emang orangnya gini, kalau nggak suka sama sesuatu ya bakalan left.
Beda dengan whatsapp. Kalau dari sini kan kita udah otomatis masuk grup kalau dimasukkan sama temen yang punya nomer kita. Jadi, mau nggak mau kita dikagetkan dengan pesan yang hampir 1000 percakapan. And you know lah, betapa menyebalkannya. Terlebih lagi omongannya nggak mutu banget. Langsung deh, left.
Tapi, setelah itu. Ada temen yang whatsapp Aku. Dia bilang kenapa kok keluar grup? Kirain dia mau ngatain Aku sombong karna nggak mau menjalin silaturahmi. Eee....nggak taunya, dia juga left grup. Katanya berisik banget dan nggak tau apa yang mereka bicarakan. Alhamdulillah deh, ternyata nggak Cuma Aku yang terganggu.
Sebelum left grup, sempet baca-baca dikit. Dan yang paling banyak, mereka share foto-foto anak-anak mereka pas mau sekolah. Yaowoh.....pingin Joged. Jadi kayak ajang pamer anak. Ini grup alumni apa grup pamer anak yak? *GelengGeleng. Kasian sama yang belum punya anak kek. Masa iya mau share poto Emaknya. Yakali dah.
Yah...begitulah alasan orang mendadak left grup. Padahal, baru juga semalem masuk grup. Siangnya udah left aja. Alasannya simpel. Karna nggak asik aja. Kalau pembahasannya masih wajar sih, nggak masalah. Yang namanya grup, apalagai grup SMA, harusnya sih ngomongin masa-masa SMA. Kan asyik tuh. Apalagi yang punya mantan di grup tersebut. Bisa gagal move on deh. Dari semua ini pastinya udah bisa nentuin penting enggak nya join grup SMA. Karna yang left grup bukan berarti nggak mau menjalin komunikasi, hanya saja kurang asyik. Gitu. Kalau Kamu gimana? Ngalamin kayak gini nggak?


Who Are You

Dear...you. Yes you. I dont really know about you. But why? Why are you always come into my dream? Okay fine. Maybe it seems “too much”. No...I mean “Lebay”. Lebay is feeling too much about something. I dont know more about you. But, your face is always show in my mind. I really really dont know how to describe this feeling. But, lemme say something about you.

I see your smile in my sleep
I feel like I know you
Who are you?
Did I know you?
Did we know each other?
Every time I close my eyes, Why are you always present?
I just want to know
Who are you?
Sometimes, I feel like I know you
Is it true that you know me too?

Sometimes, Im so confuse about this feeling. From my deepets heart, I know who you are. But, it seems like impossible. We never be the one. But, who knows? How if God let us be the one?

#WhoAreYou #ByMissAnt

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